Cancer in general is a serious disease and has caused the death of many lives. Battling breast cancer and any other form of cancer is a serious battle of life and death. Medical innovations, new medicinal treatments are continously being discovered but the right cure that promises complete wellness to those suffering breast cancer is yet to be discovered or formulated.
Breast cancer not only affects women, it affects the whole family- the husband, the children. Women suffering breast cancer are battling not only for their lives but for their family. Prayer among other things, among any other treatment is the best weapon there is to fight breast cancer. The power and mystery of prayer encompasses all. No doubt if you have faith you can move mountains and cure any disease. When all hopes are down, when your battle is turning against you- don't forget to pray! Pray! Pray! Pray!
Breast cancer not only affects women, it affects the whole family- the husband, the children. Women suffering breast cancer are battling not only for their lives but for their family. Prayer among other things, among any other treatment is the best weapon there is to fight breast cancer. The power and mystery of prayer encompasses all. No doubt if you have faith you can move mountains and cure any disease. When all hopes are down, when your battle is turning against you- don't forget to pray! Pray! Pray! Pray!