What are the symptoms of breast cancer? Here are some health information about the symptoms of this killer disease.
- No early symptoms
- Breast lump
- Breast thickening
- Lump near breast
- Hard painless breast lump
- Underarm lump
- Breast changes
- Breast size change
- Breast shape change
- Breast skin ridges
- Breast skin pitting
- Warm breast
- Swollen breast
- Red breast
- Scaly breast
- Nipple changes
- Nipple discharge
- Nipple tenderness
- Nipple inverted
- Warm nipple
- Swollen nipple
- Red nipple
- Scaly nipple
- Areola changes
- Warm areola
- Swollen areola
- Red areola
- Scaly areola
Breast Cancer symptoms however vary from one person or patient to another.